Want to learn PDR?
Paintless Dent Repair allows you to travel, work with your hands, and be incredibly profitable!
HM Dent Works® Academy will show you how to be successful in the paintless dent repair trade. We don’t just teach you the trade. We show you how to run a business that makes a lot of money! Your HM Certification will be an instant credibility marker that puts you ahead of the competition as you’ll be taught by one of the world’s leading PDR professionals.
We Do It Differently.
We’ve seen all the other ways you can learn out there and we are going to DROP THE MIC….they don’t work….not like this.
Our hybrid model allows the non-hands on information to be learned remotely and without travel. Our course is 10 weeks, no one else does that. After 10 weeks, just 50 days of training, you can walk into a hail storm and make big money.
The best part is the end….where we show you the secrets to creating a PROFITABLE LIFE!
HM Dent Works® Academy has a small class size for each session. Spots fill up fast. Book your call today to see if you are ready to join the elite in Paintless Dent Repair business.
We are currently booking for 2023 SESSIONS.
Like no other program, you will be learning in a fully operating paintless dent repair facility. You will have real life training opportunities and experience every day - all day.
See All of Our Courses HereAll The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Trade Business
This is a 10 week program that will show you how to become a successful Paintless Dent Repair Technician. Our academy offers a video library, online fundamentals training,10 week over the shoulder in person training, custom set of Ultra Dent Tools including light and cart, 10 weeks of lodging in Springfield, Mo, and your graduating certificate. Our program has it all!

Video Library
24/7 access to our custom video library that will help you learn and always be there to review in the future.

Online Training
Our online training will help you be prepared for your over the shoulder, hands-on, and in-person academy work.

In Person Training
We believe there is only one way to learn Paintless Dent Repair and that is one on one, in person training.

HM Certified means you are ready to be part of the elite in the Paintless Dent Repair industry.
How Do I Know This Will Be For Me?
We understand that training for a new career while maintaining your current job is probably something you are worried about. HM Dent Academy has funding programs to help you through this challenge.
Do you question if you are smart enough to do PDR because you didn't excel in high school?
Did you get bored easily in school? Want to know a secret? Our founder and owner wasn’t great at school either. Jeramey wanted to be playing sports or skateboarding and despised school work.
He was a C student but loved working with his hands. He was street smart and common sense smart and now he is business smart. He knew trade school was the best choice for him, too!
Our HM Method is different because we prepare you for what PDR really is about. Other schools give you week by week training. They let you pick and choose. They charge you a ton and leave you with very little skills learned.
Our goal in creating HM Dent Works Academy is to create dent professionals that understand not only the art of pushing dents but the art of a life in PDR.
We help you navigate a family life in PDR. Finances in PDR. Dealing with insurance companies and body shops. How to work at a hail storm and so much more. We aren’t here to push another graduate out the door, say CHEESE and snap a pic, and move on.
We want to have successful and profitable graduates that we never lose touch with. We mean it when we say we want to create the next generation of Master PDR techs.
Check Out Our FREE Guide To Learn More
I Want The FREE GuideDo you want to find out more about HM Dent Works® Academy?
HM Academy gives you a proven path to follow. Once you graduate with your HM Certification you’ll be light years ahead of others starting in the PDR trade. You will be ready to hit the ground running at your first hail storm. Your bank account will explode and you will be in control of your future. No more time clocks to punch!Â
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